"The health of the nation is at stake when citizens do not receive primary care, routine health screenings, and preventative care, and this may lead to a resurgence of diseases such as tuberculosis. It is imperative that healthcare providers continue the fight for a more just system of health care that provides health care to all people. Americans deserve a universal healthcare system." (Rashford, 2007, p.10)
Rashford, M. (2007). A universal healthcare system: Is it right for the united states?. Nursing Forum, 42(1), 3-11.
This source is a peer reviewed article that I found using the ProQuest Research Library on the U.W home site. The article contains a a literature review of five research studies relating to universal health care and healthcare reform. I think this is a solid source because it has been peer reviewed and also reviews research that has already been done, giving a second look at material that has been presented. I may end up using this to give examples of the effects of implementing this kind of universal system in the U.S.
"At the most fundamental level, universal access should be a moral imperative, a right of citizenship in any country that can afford it, no different from public safety protections and access to primary and secondary education and libraries. It is a basic human right, not a commodity to be bartered in the marketplace, to be made available based on class, race and social position." (Kingson & Cornman, 2007, p.28)
Kingson, E., & Cornman, J. (2007). Health care reform: Universal access is feasible and necessary. Benefits Quarterly, 23(3), 27-33.
This source is like the other being a peer reviewed article from the ProQuest Library. It contains information of international systems and the proof that they do work and also argues for healthcare for all as a fundamental right. I believe this is useful and solid because it gives a different aspect to this issue addressing the ethical and logical reasons behind universal heath care. I will probably use this idea as one of my arguments for pro reform.
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